-- wordpress导入标签
-- 插入标签,如果有标签了,则不插入失败
INSERT INTO `wp_terms`( `name`, `slug`, `term_group`)
select a.name,a.slug,0 from (select '孩子' name, 'hz' slug ) a
left join wp_terms b on a.name=b.name or a.slug=b.slug
where b.name is null ;
-- 插入标签对应的索引,有索引了插入为空
INSERT INTO `wp_term_taxonomy`( `term_id`, `taxonomy`, `description`, `parent`, `count`)
select a.term_id,'post_tag', '', 0, 1 from wp_terms a left join wp_term_taxonomy b on a.term_id=b.term_id where a.name='孩子' and b.term_id is null ;
-- 插入标签对应的文章(所有文章中或标题中含有该词的均添加)
INSERT INTO `wp_term_relationships`(`object_id`, `term_taxonomy_id`, `term_order` )
select cc.ID,aa.term_taxonomy_id, 0 from wp_term_taxonomy aa inner join
wp_terms bb on aa.term_id=bb.term_id
inner join (
select a.ID from wp_posts a inner join wp_term_relationships b on a.ID=b.object_id inner join wp_term_taxonomy c on b.term_taxonomy_id=c.term_taxonomy_id
where c.taxonomy='category' and a.post_status='publish'
and ( a.post_title like '%孩子%' or a.post_content like '%孩子%' )
) cc on 1=1
left join wp_term_relationships dd on dd.object_id=cc.id and dd.term_taxonomy_id=aa.term_taxonomy_id
where bb.name='孩子' and dd.object_id is null ;
-- 最后一步,更新标签对应多少文章
update wp_term_taxonomy a
inner join
(select term_taxonomy_id,count(*) sl from wp_term_relationships group by term_taxonomy_id ) b
on a.term_taxonomy_id=b.term_taxonomy_id
set a.count=b.sl
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